We are proud to be included in Chambers’ 2024 Regional Spotlight, a new ranking of small and medium sized firms by Chambers and Partners (November 2023).

Stacy and Sam will be attending the 2023 INTA Leadership Conference in Houston, Texas from November 14-16, 2023.

Stacy presented a webinar called “U.S. Trademark Law – Tips and Strategies for Foreign Counsel” to a group of European and English lawyers (October 11, 2023).

Favorable UDRP decision Robert Caro v. seoforlyfe (RobertCaro.com) (May 23, 2023).

We are proud to introduce Briguitte Barrera, who joined us as a paralegal in May.  You can read about Briguitte and her background here.

Favorable UDRP decision Tee and Charles Addams Foundation v. Gro en (AddamsFamilyCostumes.com) (May 15, 2023).

Favorable UDRP decision Tommy John, Inc. v. Michael Griffith (TommyJohn.shop) (April 10, 2023).

Stacy will be speaking about copyright law at Publishers Weekly’s BookLife Indie Author Forum on February 25, 2023.

Favorable UDRP decision Third Point LLC v. boon jeng loo (ThirdPointUSDT.com) (Jan. 20, 2023).

Stacy wrote an article entitled Song Resurgences Show Value of Musician IP Strategy, published here by Law360 on January 6, 2023.  You can read the article on the firm’s website.